YKK is a multinational Company and its group Head Office is in Tokyo, Japan. YKK affiliated worldwide 111 plants and offices in 72 countries.
The giving or receiving of business gifts is a customary way to strengthen business relationships and, with some restrictions, is a lawful business practice. . This is company policy to authorize its nominated employees to give / receive lawful gifts in pursuance of company business requirement while dealing with clients / vendors or government officials with a clear intention of legitimate business objectives to attain with emphasis not to influence any business decision making at both sides.
Special laws and rules apply to gifts to government employees. Local laws in Pakistan and around the world strictly limit gifts to government employees. These may be criminal acts, regardless of what the gifts are paid for. As per policy we will strictly comply with all such restrictions. . Bribery is illegal act and violates this policy which YKK never allows as corrupt practice in any form of bribery. Even when legal, employees cannot give or receive business gifts if doing so would violate this policy.
Giving Gifts
Giving a gift that violates the law, regulations, agreements or reasonable customs of the marketplace is strictly prohibited.
On official authorization, please chose gift from company approved give away items, which currently include Company Calendar, and Company Diary, may be with preapproved quantity and frequency.
Gifts must be given in the company’s name, not personal name.
Each gift given will be properly recorded as per the company policy by HR & GA.
Special giving of these preapproved gifts to visiting dignitaries / government officials or local authorities to be approved by MD.
All intangible gifts, other than the company’s approved give away items, regardless of the value, are strictly prohibited.
Please refer to Schedule 1for detailed guidelines when deciding on giving a gift.
Do not give any gift if you know it would violate this policy or/and the recipient’s policy.
Never threaten or retaliate against another employee who has refused to commit a bribery offence or to violate this policy.
Receiving Gifts
No employee may receive a gift that violates the law, regulations, agreements or reasonable customs of the marketplace.
Make sure any gift received has the giving company name printed on it and that can withstand public scrutiny without damaging the company’s reputation.
Receiving cash as a gift is prohibited.
When deciding on the appropriateness of receiving gifts other than cash, consider if it has the company name printed on it, and it can be a diary, planner, or T shirt, pen etc.
If the gift is not appropriate and has exceeded the social customary practice, please do not accept.
Upon receipt of any gift, please immediately notify, through reporting channel, to HR & GA to record as per the policy, reference schedule 3.
Please refer to Schedule 2 for detailed guidelines when deciding on receiving a business gift.
Do not receive any gift if you know it would violate this policy or/and the recipient’s policy.
Must not request vendors, suppliers or customers to send any tangible or intangible gift to the company.
Never threaten or retaliate against another employee who has refused to commit a bribery offence or to violate this policy.
*Intangible gifts included but not limited to invitation to company’s event, hospitality, dinner, movies, theatres, meals, drinks, entertainment, recreation, transportation, use of facilities or equipment etc.