YKK is a multinational Company and its group Head Office is in Tokyo, Japan. YKK affiliated worldwide 111 plants and offices in 72 countries.
As a fundamental task, YKK Pakistan seeks to create workplace environment easy to work by reducing & eliminating causes of danger & harm therein. We strive to maintain and even improve the physical and mental health, safety and security of all the employees through further preventive activities.
To ensure the safety and health of employees and develop their sense of understanding of hazardous situation, increased sensitivity of risk & to improve their awareness of risk management we will implement the strategy to identify dangers and hazards, incorporate Health & Safety Management Systems through consultation & participation of all the employees, Health & safety promotion campaigns and follow the code of conduct. The role and responsibilities in the organization will be clearly communicated to each to improve their level of awareness, while we preserve accident free environment & restore the safe environment and secure the safety to work with necessary training & objectives, promoting efficient & effective rectification activities i.e. patrolling & documents inspections in order to eradicate Fire Breakouts and other emergencies, as well as work related accidents.
We comply with all requirements of the relevant Occupational Health & Safety Laws/Regulations and YKK Standards to improve our management system.
The basis of our efforts for safety and health is to make people, workplace and system safe, through implementation of occupational health & safety management system with an unwavering commitment to continual improvement.